КОПИ-счет Irasoguilon № 1491998 брокера LiteForex

КОПИ-счет счет

инв. возр. нед. доход
за год
дох-ть торг.
текущая неделя СУ доля
ср. доход открытые
I have been trading for years already. My strategy is simple, i just use support-resistance, trending line, candlesticks and layering in my trading. My earning per day is 1% to 20% of my working capital. I opened a trading account here in liteforex only in june, just to test the broker. If you want to copy my daily trades. Free to do so. Minimum investment - $200 (less than this amount is too risky in my strategy)
i 1491998 0 3 г
3 м
−10.74 −45 %
−45 %

−1.5 k$
−100 %
−100 %
> 0 k$ 444 < 0 k$
страница КОПИ-счета на сайте брокера


Место в рейтинге трейдеров: 29685
Описание КОПИ-счета Irasoguilon

I have been trading for years already. My strategy is simple, i just use support-resistance, trending line, candlesticks and layering in my trading. My earning per day is 1% to 20% of my working capital. I opened a trading account here in liteforex only in june, just to test the broker.

If you want to copy my daily trades. Free to do so.

Minimum investment - $200 (less than this amount is too risky in my strategy) показать историю изменений

I have been trading for years already. My strategy is simple, i just use support-resistance, trending line, candlesticks and layering in my trading. My earning per day is 1% to 20% of my working capital. I opened a trading account here in liteforex only in june, just to test the broker.

If you want to copy my daily trades. Free to do so.

до 14.07.2021

I have been trading for three (3) years, on and off. Starting this June 2021 I will be regularly trading. I am using trending line strategy, support & resistance, and candle-sticks in my trading.

I am earning 5% to 20% a day.

до 07.07.2021

График недельной доходности
